Convention booth pipe and drape systems are a great way to make an exhibit booth space for convention center trade shows, church bazars or craft shows, school events, bridal shows and more.
A trade show staple, pipe and drape easily connects together to create a defined booth space for individual vendors, allowing them the abiltiy to showcase their products and services.
Our convention booth system is availalbe as a single booth or can be combined to make multiple booth spaces in a continous row, as well as double sided.
Our event specialist will work with your to maximize the space you have to work with and provide you and create the booth spaces you need.
Each convention booth kit contains:
2 back uprights, 8' tall
2 back base plates
1 cross bar, adjustable 6' - 10' wide
Convention drape, 8' tall
2 front uprights, 3' tall
2 side dividers, adjustable 6' - 10' deep
Side divider drape, 3' tall
Booth drape color options:
Black, white, burgundy, hunter, royal, or red. Colors may also be mixed upon request.
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**To view pricing, please select the appropriate size or option from the drop down box below.
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